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Currently, construction work on our Jarltech Event & Training Centre is in full swing. An eight-meter-long timeline is being installed in the entrance, which shows Jarltech’s development. Just over 30 years of history, and we have dug up quite a few pictures from earlier times. Some of the things we were particularly proud of back then seem rather funny today. :)

A long time in the making – now Jarltech is the oldest pan-European Auto-ID distributor in Europe, with incredible growth. And we are the only remaining distributor in Europe where all the decisions are really made quickly. Our performance does not depend on whether someone on another continent likes the financial figures or not.

What do you get out of this? We believe: a great deal. Auto-ID/POS is our only core competence, from start to finish. For example, we would never think of outsourcing our logistics to a third-party company – what's a distributor who doesn't distribute anything? Or taking away goods allocated to a customer just because someone else bids more on short notice. Or »auctioning« project information among customers.

We still seek a long-term relationship with our dealers, also on a personal level. With a lot of trust. We don't have to report quarterly figures on the stock exchange, we can also sometimes do things just because they make sense, and not because we have to hit a certain key figure. In the end, I'm the one who is liable for mistakes and can enjoy successes.

It should stay that way.

Being number one in a market is not an end in itself. Size must bring something to the customer, namely a strong partner in the background who means business. And that's exactly my job: to translate these values into tangible benefits and long-term relationships with both customers and vendors. Everyone here at Jarltech understands what that means. In the long run, we will only survive if our customers make more turnover by working with Jarltech – because we take the burden off you. You can count on that!

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