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Thoughts at the year's end

Is it really the beautiful side of Christmas that everyone is doing the same thing?...

Is it really the beautiful side of Christmas that everyone is doing the same thing? No matter where you go, you get the impression that everyone else had the same idea. Supermarket parking, restaurants, tunnel in the Alps - all full. Christmas would not be such a logistical disaster if the end of the year would not almost simultaneously also come. Who came up with that anyway?

Even before Christmas people start talking about New Year's Eve parties (Should I throw one myself? Would it be better to invite myself somewhere else instead? What about the children?). And add to this everything else that needs to still be done before the end of the year: clean up the accounts, collect money, renegotiate target achievements with suppliers ... of course, you still have to attend to x-number of matters with the notary, and so on. The final sprint of the year is then complicated by school holidays, because thanks to this one finds himself in a ski lodge on the last crucial days of the year and not in the control room. Now, although I have finally Bluetooth ski gloves with a microphone and speaker, I suspect it will not be the same as in the cozy office. You do not want to lose sight of the pretty ski instructor just because of a phone call.

Oh yes - gifts. The trend is rising again. Two years ago, the majority of partners and suppliers had reached rock bottom, namely, by sending e-Greetings (please, please spare me this spam if you cannot spare a printed card). Now again some packages are gathering around us. And, my compliments, often with creative contents that go beyond a bag of cookies plus re-gifted junk. Some things are really personal: even some Eintracht Frankfurt memorabilia has arrived. Some people not only have football expertise and good taste, but have really thought about what would make the receiver happy. Incidentally, we prefer to buy from companies that give us Eintracht Frankfurt memorabilia, to clearly emphasize that again.

What's still left to do before the end of the year? The most stupid thing is when you still have to spend a budget that you will lose next year. Since you can really nicely waste corporate or government money pointlessly it need not be a surprise if this company someday ceases to exist, just because of the mindless spending. For the authorities, of course, this does not apply, because yes, you can increase a tax or a fee in case of an emergency. My tip: do this just before Christmas, because all are far too busy to get excited about it anyway.

In this sense, Merry Christmas, accident-free skiing, a beautiful year’s end and a higher budget in 2015! Work hard, party hard.

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