Datalogic HandScanner
Hands-free scanner for more work efficiency
Datalogic HandScanner
Hands-free scanner for more work efficiency
- Compact wireless 2D hands-free scanner
- Available in standard range or mid-range
- Dimensions: 50 x 45 x 16 mm; Weight: 40 g
- 670 mAh lithium-ion battery for up to 15 hours of operation
- Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 5.0, BLE
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The Datalogic HandScanner, with its compact dimensions of only 50 x 45 x 16 mm and low weight of just 40 g, provides more hand freedom in retail, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation and logistics. It is available as a standard range or mid-range model and captures all common 1D/2D barcodes via its integrated megapixel sensor with a clear triple feedback: LED display, acoustic and haptic.
The HandScanner is operated via a trigger integrated in a wrist strap. It is available in different sizes and for right- or left-handers. It may be individually adapted to the hand, thanks to the Velcro closure. Further equipment includes the interfaces Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 5.0, BLE and a 670 mAh lithium-ion battery. With a battery life of up to 15 hours, the battery lasts for almost two complete shifts and is fully recharged within 2 hours. Plus, the scanner is impact-resistant from up to 2 m and is compatible with various Datalogic mobile computers, as required.
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