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My 10 favorite vendor quotes at the end of the quarter:

1) We normally do not exert warehousing pressure on the distribution at the end of the quarter, and haven't for years. This time was an exceptional situation.

2) Mr. Spranger, of course no other distributor will receive this offer!

3) You can be sure that we will deduct the additional turnover now from your next quarterly goal.

4) But if you take these 100 pallets now, then we won't have anything left and you can be the sole supplier!

5) We simply expect a distributor to store goods for seven or eight months sometimes.

6) We will not leave you hanging with leftover goods!

7) You have to accept these three truck deliveries because in the next quarter we want to do business with our small direct partners via you.

8) This large order is very important for your reputation at our headquarters in the USA/Japan/....

9) If you have to rent an additional warehouse, then of course we will pay for the storage costs.

10) We restructured during this quarter and that is why we are unable to deviate, particularly in this quarter.

And yes, our warehouses are popping at the seams, and yes, we are looking forward to the nice products, but honestly, where will you find a manager who has the backbone to honestly tell his boss or the stock exchange that the market is like it is, and that every advanced quarterly business leads to price and profit erosion. And where will you find a stock holder who takes the time to check out what goods are being pressed through at the last minute - because these altered figures are not appropriate for corporate leadership and rating.

But what am I talking about? With us on 31 December it is exactly the senseless opposite, because we need as little inventory as possible due to Basel II. Even this indicator holds no weight regarding the value of the company, but why should I fight against windmills. :)

Ok, enough complaining. Now we need to make space, because on Monday the deliveries from 29 June will arrive. And some vendors who need three weeks to answer a simple delivery time question can suddenly deliver pallets, even on Saturdays. :)

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