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TSC Thermaflex Labels

Print durable thermal transfer labels on the go


2 028,70 $

(≈ 7 452,55 AED) (prix de vente conseillé)
  • Combine thermal transfer tape and labels on one roll
  • Enables thermal transfer label printing with thermal direct or portable printers
  • Resists UV exposure, temperature changes, moisture, chemicals, scratching and dirt
  • Ideal for field service, warehouse, manufacturing, retail, hospitality and healthcare
  • Reduce costs and waste


The durable ThermaFlex labels from TSC combine thermal transfer ribbons and labels in one roll. This enables robust thermal transfer labels to be printed using a direct thermal or mobile printer. Ideal for often mobile applications in field service, warehousing, industry, retail, hospitality and healthcare. The special thing about thermal transfer labels: By using a thermal transfer ribbon, the prints on a label are far more resistant to UV exposure, temperature changes, moisture, chemicals, scratches and dirt than conventional labels.


Toutes les versions:
Thermaflex Labels, rouleau d'étiquettes, ruban transfert thermique, TSC, synthétique, résine, L 102mm, H 63.5mm, rouleau/boîte 50 rolls/box

(tt5043 – DT-400250-BPR)

rouleau d'étiquettes, ruban transfert thermique, TSC, synthétique (polypropylène), résine, mandrin: 19 mm, diamètre 57mm, dimensions, L 102mm, H 63.5mm, étiquettes/rouleau 180 labels/roll, rouleau/boîte 50 rolls/box

2 028,70 $

(≈ 7 452,55 AED)
Minimum order quantity: 5 pieces

2 028,70 $

(≈ 7 452,55 AED)
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* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.